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These days

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After a short period of trying to a children teacher ,I gave up and came back to school. I thought I was suitable to be a teacher but actually not .I just attractted by the money .I ought not to .
Now I am beginning to persue my dream .


  1. Virgil's Avatar
    Welcome Bluelala. I hope you achieve your dream.
  2. kiz_paws's Avatar
    Welcome from me too, bluelala.

    At least you found out early in your life that the teaching children vocation was not for you. It is good that you have the opportunity to go back to school and work on achieving your dream. I wish you the best of luck.
  3. bluelala's Avatar
    Thank you both of you two~
  4. mtpspur's Avatar
    There is nothing inherently wrong with doing a job in expectation of monetary gain. But I believe it is better if a person gets personal satisfaction in the work they do. Also good to reevaluate from time to time your dreams, ambitions, and goals and think about the person you hope to be in the future. Hoping good things for you.
  5. bluelala's Avatar
    yes,mtpspur,you are right,thank you very much!