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Sci Fi Story

Sugarcane Harvest

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Hello again, I'm back...sort of. I found a job, which pays less than half of my previous pay, and the work days are more frequent. Anyways, I'm working on a well in Louisiana very near the Mississippi River. Its a very boring job, unless they drill fast. Its sugarcane harvest season, and there are maybe a dozen harvesters working on the one road between the drilling rig, and the shack I am staying in. The harvesters load up tractor trailers, and they in turn load up Semi- trailers. This leads to a lot of noise right there by the trailer. Today was even worse as they are digging a ditch near the trailers, plus gravel was deposited at the trailer site, and one of the tractor drivers cars kept having the alarm go off. Not sleeping much, maybe 3 hours total in 2 days. Other than that things are plodding along. I wish I had something interesting to write, but its probably best if I don't. B


  1. mtpspur's Avatar
    I hope things turn around for you pal.
  2. kiz_paws's Avatar
    It is good to see you blogging, Pete! And I hope that the noise will subside for you -- sleep is my best friend! Wishing you well and hope to hear more from you, ~K♥zzo
  3. motherhubbard's Avatar
    How long will the harvest last, Pete? Maybe it will be over by the end of the week. I hope you can get some rest. I'm glad you blogged
  4. Captain Pike's Avatar
    I think you already have something interesting to write. I feed on your travels and occupation. You're like a distant correspondent; or maybe something like a fully grown son out there, working in the world and writing home to dad.
  5. Virgil's Avatar
    Well, it's nice tosee you back Pete. I thought that was interesting too.
  6. applepie's Avatar
    It was nice to see you around B. I hope things will settle down soon. You are missed:) Much love, Meg