Is There Hope?
, 05-11-2022 at 12:36 PM (6211 Views)
I was thinking about a new topic for a blog without much success. I have a few half written posts that didn't come together, but a few minutes I came across a post on a forum in which someone was asking about optimistic nihilist characters. I looked into the concept as it is handled online, and I realized that I am not one, and the philosophy is opposed to what I think. Apparently, there are people who believe that they live in a meaningless universe with no raison d'etre. I feel sorry for them. The other side that they see is of a monotheistic god doing everything.
Apparently, there are people who do not believe in cause and effect. How would one convince them that there were prior causes that caused everything to come into existence? I hadn't realized that education was that bad. Even if people don't want to accept that Sky Father, Earth Mother, and their crowd exist, then they should have considered that there was something more than the Judeo-Christian-Islamic single god (Goddess really, but that's a different kettle of fish).
The great Christian philosophers all accepted the basics of the philosophers of Ancient Greece and their rules of logic. The noted existentialists also used the same rules of logic. I suppose that nihilists don't have to accept logic, because they claim to believe in nothing, but when they ignore logic, it is very easy to discount their opinions, and it becomes very difficult for them to express themselves in comprehensible language, but it appears that the optimistic nihilists are willing to discard logic.
I think they are working from false premises, so their position may make sense to them, because one can get to any result desired, if one selects the appropriate premises. It is very difficult to converse with such people, but they are out there, and a few have gotten into positions of power. Nihilists have nothing to hold them back from trying to achieve any result, so a combination of the two positions is dangerous.
Maybe I am old-fashioned, but I still believe in the Gods and Goddesses, and they usually act as one would expect, based on their specialties. Athena is still there, wisely supporting logic, and if people ignore her, they do so at their own peril, and that applies to optimistic nihilists.
Regardless of what one thinks underlies ordinary existence, there is something there, or there would be no ordinary existence. That may be what nihilists ignore. How can they think without there being something to think about? Maybe someone who thinks that he or she is an optimistic nihilist can explain it to us.
As I was posting this, it occurred to me that it might be that optimistic nihilism is actually a bit of ironic humor.