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Maybe the Universe Hates Me

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So. My internet is fixed. And now I have my glasses. So you’d think that all is now perfect in my universe. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Naïve. Very naïve. All is not perfect.
But before that. A little about some upcoming events.
Napoleon plans to drop in tomorrow, so we have to wrap his presents. His birthday was last week but why visit then when my birthday is only a week away? My birthday also comes very close to Easter so additionally, why drop in for Easter? I’m not really bothered by this. But I am bothered by the fact that he always turns up so early. Now to some, to many 8:30am isn’t early. Well. It’s worth noting that quite often I’ll be going to bed at that kind of time.
OMG. Why? Do you work late or something?
No. Of course not. I’ve just gotten to the point that that’s how late I stay up now. It’s ridiculous.
Also my cousin’s wife’s birthday is next week but we might not be able to go to her party because mum works on that day and she might be too tired. Of course it wouldn’t be such a problem if I could drive. But that’s a whole different kettle of fish.
It seemed that the party would be our kind of Easter gathering this year because my aunt’s kitchen still isn’t done. Ah I don’t think I told you about that. Well Remember that. It’s a key detail for the second part of Christmas and why I became increasingly more anxious at the time. Oooohhh spoilers .
So. Mum called my cousin to let him know that we weren’t sure if we’d make it to the party, because the invitation requested people RSVP. He was fine with it and was pleased she’d called because no one else had RSVP’d and this was last week. So a couple of days later we’re called by my uncle saying they were arranging an Easter thing after all. Now mum wonders if it’s because we probably won’t be going to the party, because my uncle’s not going either because he’ll be away for the party.
So now we’re seeing everyone Easter Sunday. Two days before my birthday, which always makes me anxious because I wonder if people will feel obliged to get me something because they’ll be seeing me so close to my birthday, when I usually just get a card in the post. Or will they think that I expect them to get me something?
Now. I made the choice of putting all that first and not continuing my original thought. There’s a reason for that. In addition, I haven’t been practicing my guitar since I had my eyes tested, since I didn’t want to strain them too much. It’s just an excuse really. I’d probably have been fine. Now I thought I’d be having two weeks off, which I was unhappy about. But then my glasses came back a week early. YAY. So I practiced one day. And the next day. Well. That’s when the third thing happened.
So. First. New glasses. Well lenses. So I had to wear my old glasses that are a few perscriptions old. No worries. Ii’ll just try to sleep a bit more to rest my eyes. That’ll be a bit tricky.
But at least I have an excuse/reason to rest my eyes more. Ah I’m so depressed. So when we go shopping I get a bunch of crap to cheer myself up. Most notably, a bag of cheese. This is odd. I don’t eat much cheese. I get enough dairy in my life as it is and too much cheese makes me feel sick. Usually craving cheese for no reason is an indicator of something else. Now remember that detail because we’ll be coming back to it.
Then the internet’s fixed. YAY. Then my glasses are ready a week early. YAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!! Everything is perfect. I’m so happy.
Feel free to SKIP this bit if You’d prefer.
Teeny tiny text to be polite. Then an unexpected friend comes to visit for a week. An unexpected female friend. Oh poop.
Ah. So that’s why I got a bag of grated cheese last week. And I thought it was just depression. Oh no. It’s because YOU were going to drop in. Earlier than expected but not so early as to be abnormal. To make matters worse my friend kind of ruined my cute new pyjamas but this may have been a good thing. I’ve been keen to try a stain removal technique I’ve heard of and I think it’s worked. It’s hard to tell since they’re kind of dark pink. Also, I’ve still not been practicing guitar because I felt a little mind foggy, which happens around this time, along with a seemingly uncontrollable urge to share unwanted information and a demon like hunger. Yes. You do need extra calories for this process but only like a handful. It’s ridiculous. I also have an deep desire to snuggle and hug the dog, which she hates.

Oh. I forgot to mention. My sense of smell’s been a little crazy lately. So I was going kind of mad because I kept smelling something flowery. This was when we went shopping. I overslept and mum was mad at me. I kept mentioning it but she just ignored me. Then, when I got in the car I could smell a new smell. Something fruity. I pointed this out. She basically acted like I was an idiot. Thanks a bunch. Then when I got out of the car my jeans felt wet. I thought oh poop (I did not actually think poop ) did I have an accident? I’ve never had one outside before. I’ve had a little leakage here and there lounging around at home but never outside as of yet.
I point this out. Ah. Suddenly mum remembers that she got some car shampoo today and that it leaked on my seat.
Really? Thanks a freaking bunch for telling me. So I had to wander around with a cold, damp ***. Again I said *** for quickness. It dried reasonably quickly but still. I’m not sure it’s safe for such delicate skin. I was pretty mad at her for that. It's the first time I've had to sit on a plastic bag and it's not even my fault. :sigh: (I know there's not a smiley for that, but I felt like saying it)

Oh. Now I get why you didn’t start with this. Not everyone wants to read about someone’s female visitor. You are correct. If you realised what I was talking about then fear not.

CONTINUE FROM HERE if you skipped.

So. Now I have a bunch of very bad for me foods lying around and I’ve pretty much done absolutely nothing these past two weeks. Well, less than I normally do. I think the universe is punishing me for something.

Yeah. So. That’s all…..can’t think of an appropriate word so I’ll just say something. That’s all something Blue, but when are you going to tell us about Christmas? And while we’re on the subject are we ever going to see that picture of the Halloween sweets?

Answer. No idea. We’ll see how we go.
Bluebiird out.

Updated 03-24-2016 at 05:23 PM by Bluebiird



  1. qimissung's Avatar
    The internet breaks? check. New glasses, tired eyes? check. Female visitors, told in tiny print? check.

    I know that feeling that the universe is trying to punish you! I'm going through something like that now.
  2. qimissung's Avatar
    Oh, and happy belated birthday.
  3. Bluebiird's Avatar