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Mohammad Ahmad


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Quote Originally Posted by Mohammad Ahmad View Post

Winter comes and it can calm the fever

Long poem written by

Mohammad Mahmud Ahmad

Iraq- Mosul

Fever… Fever… Fever…
Who can endure the fever?
What damage causes the fever?
Headache… backache…sever body pains….
Two weeks ago or more, I suffer…
Griefs fill my faded eyes at gloomy moments…
Felt as if I was put on unfathomable valley…
My emotions, my deep sorrow grieved me…
What can I complain more than this fever?
I feel as if my legs were cutting off severely…
My thought was confused perplexing totally.
Horses, trains, lions chased me dreadfully
Wrapping my head, I felt unhealthy…
How does fever damage the cells of the body?
I did not know! Yet I do not know!
How does fever become awfully?
Tortured man is waiting the moon to shine…
He dreams to find a bit of rest as if he drinks much wine.
Missing his verses, he recurs to a new line.
Even he sees the streets were vacant from people.
Phantoms walk instead of them mocking the time.
Fever… Fever…Fever…
Still we had sever fever
Still we long to consume the fever…
Still we are long to see our future…
Still the happy moment tickles the eyes of feverish child…
Still the fever is our blessing donor…
What can we do if we are fevered?
Is fever one type of donation?
Still we are yearning to have fever…
Shiny door never would be opened…
Closed fevered door needs to be eradicated…
Hidden fervid conscience needs to be erupted
Going away sails depart the harbour…
Universal time missed our area
We are strayed between dark latitudes…
It was crossed with sharpened longitudes…
Fever… Fever… Fever…
Still we are startling from the fever…
Still we live in delusion forgetting our pains…
Still we don’t dare to mention our names through societies.
Still we endure the burning fever…
Fever… Fever…Fever…
Even our lands were fevered…
Boiling rains hit its surface…
They dewed a new blossom growing on fever…
Shelling bombs destroyed the boasted naked eyes
An eye of a child is dreaming to find joyful moment…
On balconies, looks to the landscapes wishfully…
He watches the sunset for setting up a new dawn…
Do we look to impossible desire?
Fever waits our desire…
I think we are eager to have fever…
Shallow water, thirsty we complain the fever…
Fever…Fever… Fever…
Still we have fever…
Still we are eager to be fevered…
What is fever?
Is it only increasing on temperature?
Is it just headache and abdomen pain?
Is it grief of sad doom concealed under our souls?
Is it the death itself we suffer?
What doctors advise to get rid from fever?
Nothing they have to advise because themselves they suffer.
Even they had knowledge but they still stay at corner.
Even if we had many sources of water,
Still we have complained the fever.
Even we have knowledge,
Still we are disabled to answer…
Combating toward the hale bodies,
Aimless we spend the time as if spilled water.
Ailing bodies still suffer
Exhausted men were toiling inside blazing shower.
Raindrop rarely could quench fervid man.
Rarely could it receive its generous honour…
What can we do against fever?
Faint stars as if they were roaming at vicious circle.
Clouds wrapped the universe hardly become fragile.
Thick dense fog stops as barrier…
Desirously we decide to go ahead despite of venture.
We go ahead despite of cautions, despite of fever…
Fever… Fever…Fever…
There are many types of fever…
The least degree has pain as if beatings of hammer
Ill men washed themselves on a sacred river…
They wish to be cured, but still they have fever…
Damn is to whom opposes thy ambitious soul Mohammad…
Hell is to whom causes you suffering fever…
What is denial soul they had?
What is vicious soul they had?
What is malicious refusal nature they had?
O, what pretty soul you are!
Despite of your fever you nurse the other.
Despite of many obstacles they put, you look strong forever.
Despite of the griefs and sadness, you eat your dinner…
Despite of pains you look better…
Hell is to whom opposes ambitious soul…
Damn is to whom neglects the rights of toiling man…
Thousand curses are to whom steals others' bread…
Thousand curses are to those live upon others pain…
What is mercy type can we donate to be saved from fever?
Is it the illness is similar to fever?
Is it the hunger is one type of fever?
O, Mohammad you knew well that you are banished.
O, Mohammad you know well that you are ill- treated.
O, Mohammad you know well that you are abused.
O, Mohammad you know well that you are tortured.
O, Mohammad! Who can precede thee in knowledge?
No matter, no one can satisfy the entire world.
No matter, we have satisfaction on our souls forward.
No matter, they send women abroad to gain doctorate.
They stand against other to have the fewer certificate.
On which dirt malady sense had they claimed?
To which sick conscience had we blamed?
No matter, they had thirty thousand false certificates on Iraq…
They said, themselves they said, I didn’t deliver from my bag.
Is it justice to give someone illegally the favours of others?
Is it just that someone lives on the expense of others?
To whom he deserved, they shun their faces awfully.
To whom they know they open their chests warmly.
What is democracy it is when you shun to toiling one?
And his right is obvious like the obvious sun.
What is democracy when people rights are lost?
Let it to be tossed away as if the bloodshed.
Let it to be tossed as if the merciless angry flood.
What had we lost?
Our griefs can flame our souls to the last life.
Even if it rests, again it can burn after relief.
Let the griefs snatching me obviously…
Never have I surrendered to those lazy
Never like idol have I idled the time wastefully…
Yet many other unobstructed ways are shiny…
Yet the sun shines everyday
Yet fever can be cured by our rhythmical poetry…
Yet we look to the forest containing verdant flower…
Even if summer days had much heat, but followed by winter.
Winter comes and it can reduce the fever…
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