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We can't shoulder our packs and lug them around. You have to be sneaky, pretend it doesn't exist. They must be hidden, tucked away.

A bit in a pocket.

Some pushed into a sock.

No lumps allowed, the surface must be smooth and flawless.

Occasionally, a crumpled piece will fall out. God forbid. Pick it up before somebody sees, stuff it away again. Shoulders back, head erect, stand tall. Nobody can know the true weight of the burden, or you'll never be loved.


  1. qimissung's Avatar
    Wow. Just rearrange the words into stanzas and you've got a powerful poem, just made that up. It's also powerful prose.

    I hope you are well.
  2. cafolini's Avatar
    What a condemnation being made to love so much and not being loved in return. LOL
    What a baggage.