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Halls of the Dark Muse


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Written for a challange to write one poem for each of the nine muses. Calliope is the muse of epic verse, so I choose to write in a style which itself has a certain epic quality to it.


She is the divine mother of heroic verse,
with her tablet at hand she sits bedecked in gold
waiting to whisper in the ear of aspiring bards,
the eldest sister of muses most gracious,
a smile curved upon her lips for words that flow from her breast,
she unravels stories that may live on forever.

Upon bended knee at her altar those who wish to be remembered forever,
from her very loins Homer was brought forth to give his verse
the fire of her inspiration burning in his breast
and from his lips her words fell greater than gold
as he has lived to be one of histories greatest bards.

A more tragic tale is Orpheus, another of her bards,
let those sad melodies of his song play forever
for those that hear his harmonies can only be gracious,
the gods themselves were once moved by his verse,
in the ears of his audience his music is more radiant than gold
bud sadly a passion ill-fated throbbed within his breast.

For anyone who takes the quill, feel her heart in your breast,
she is the one to guide upon their quest all bards
and the riches she offers are more sacred than gold,
mortal flesh in time will rot away, but words are forever,
do not fear, feel her by your side when you craft a verse
and never forget to utter from your lips thoughts of graciousness.

She will peer down on all her creations with a heart gracious
and the pride will swell up inside her breast,
sweeter to her than honey and nectar is the epic verse,
in their pain and suffering she weeps for her bards,
the warmth of her great love will last forever,
most regal of all the muses she reclined upon a throne golden.

Yet it is not crafted from mineral, but words of gold
for all those who sing up to her graciously,
through their divine works she too will live forever
with a warmth of glory spreading in her breast
for however much time passes there will always be bards
and however the world changes there will be verse.

Golden is the heart in her breast
Gracious are her inspired bards
forever may she live through beautiful verse.
My Poetry
