Conversation Between white camellia and Riesa

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. Got still in the long summer vacation. But now it's over soon. I do not think there would be any changes in the life around until I'd travel afar, like to America. : ))
  2. hello! life is unbearable! lol no it's okay..rough but making the best of it. how are you, dear Camellia?
  3. "dropping in to say hello"

    How's life, Riesa?
  4. yay!
  5. Toss and trade it all in hugs and something to laugh... Laughing is easy. ;- ))
  6. Van Gogh's, hmm. well, we'll share with him too, since it is after all, him.
    yeah, I know what you mean, sometimes a bough's bend, or a field of sunlit wild grass is just where it is, what it's all about. Sensitivity...ah, I would like to toss it, trade it all in...

    hugs and something to make you laugh.
  7. Let's share her then. ;- ) She's Van Gogh's though, the 'weeping woman'. Days' not bad, nor that good here for me. I just got more sensitive these days. And today I saw a half broken branch hanging exactly vertically on a larger bare branch, taking me closer to poetry, thinking it's the only safe place.
  8. oooh, it looks beautiful here. I love your woman, I'd like to reach her, or at least place a hand on her shoulder. and yes, I am lucky to not have to work a 'job' unless I desire to, of course, I admire and envy those who have a place to go in the morning...sometimes. the kids are beautiful, Daphne is excelling in everything, Jack is growing up, and James is probably getting a little bit lost in the shuffle, but mostly they are all fine. I read your latest poem, was brilliant. nice to see you around too, how are you?
  9. Hi Riesa, good to see you here. I actually admired that you can be so free at choosing a job, or to have one or not at all... How's your kids?
  10. Hey! good to hear your heavy workload has eased in time for the lunar new year! all's well, mostly. A bit stir crazy, I quit my job, so I'm flitting around my house, yard and town trying to occupy myself, then the kids come home and it's so busy I can't breathe. so it goes.
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