Conversation Between Adolescent09 and qimissung

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  1. Dude, Happy Thanksgiving.
  2. Qimi, I apologize if my response to you in that poetry thread came off as vicious. I didn't mean for it to be that way. Also... Clean out your inbox immediately or I will be FORCED to spill your darkest secrets to the world! MUAHAHAH! LOL! Just kiddin'. I hope you had a happy mother's day. You are a mother, right qimi?
  3. Hey, Adolescent09. It's cool. And I will respond in a few days. In the meantime, would you consider voting in the "Don't know much about history" poetry contest. It's in the Poetry contest sub-forum. Here's a link (although they have not been working for me, d'oh!):

    It's currently a tie. And thanks.
  4. The version of Les Miserables that I read was unabridged (The grey signet classic that has the same picture of Cosette as the one in your avatar), but it was dismissed by many as a poor translation of the classic. Could've fooled me! I was addicted to that book like womanizers are addicted to strip clubs! I can only imagine how spectacular a "good" translation of the book would be. The penguin classic is said to be far superior. I'm sorry I don't agree with your thoughts regarding the pace of Hugo's books. It took me longer to read Faulkner's "Absalom! Absalom!" than Hugo's epic, even though it is a fraction of the length. Happy reading 'til next time, qimi!
  5. Qimi, I feel the need to apologize for responding so late. I have been delayed by personal issues including a rough break-up and schoolwork, therefore I only log on periodically to get feedback on some random poem I'm writing. I was a Biology major, but frankly my disgust with incompetent professors and rampant rote learning compelled me to switch to math. I have earned so many upper-division undergraduate math credits that I can get my b.s. in math as soon this coming summer semester. Do you know much about math, qimi? I love the subtle parallels between mathematic, abstract thought and various art mediums whether they be paintings/drawings or poems. Anywho, I'll answer your question.
  6. So what are you studying in college? I hope you're enjoying it somewhat. I liked college, but I know not everyone does.

    So, Les Mis. Well, I have to confess that I have read it, but that was many years ago, and as it turns out it was an abridged version of it. I really want to read the full and complete version. Can you recommend a good translation? I have a copy of it, but that brings me to a concern I have. What if I don't like it? I loved it years ago, but when I picked it up this time around I kept falling asleep. Once it gets past the part about the Bishop of Digne, will it pick up? One of the reasons I wanted to read it was to read about those famous digressions of his (the sewers of Paris!). I started (so sad) The Hunchback of Notre Dame about two years ago; also slow going, so while Hugo picks wildly interesting topics, it would seem I'm not as enamoured of his style. Unlike Tolstoy, whose writing flowed like a dream.
  7. Haven't forgotten your letters, but it will be tomorrow before I get to it. My electricity will be off in the a.m., so that will also be an impediment. Have you ever seen the T.V. show 'Southland'? It is so good!

    Have a good day tomorrow!
  8. The only books I have ever read are classics, so you see, I am not a very versatile reader. Lol.

    Anywhooo, what are your favorite classics, qimi?! Is Anna Karenina a new addition to your favorites? What are your responses to the questions I posed on Les Mis?

    Sorry for my disorganized writing style. I bet you’re like: Won’t this friggin’ guy just shut-up!

    I can’t, qimi! My brain has a tendency to work like a community of middle-aged gossipers. It goes in 10,000 different directions at once! Until next time,

    Yours Truly,
  9. Not to bore you with my cheesy metaphors, but it is similar to an oyster shell caked in moss and grime that serves as the callous abode of a pearl. Ok, that was bad, but you get the point! Lol. Anyway, you're obviously a Hugo fan, and Hugo just so happened to be the author of my favorite book of all time, Les Mis, so let's talk about that!

    Favorite character? Toss-up between The Bishop Myriel and Jean Valjean, since if it had not been for the former, the latter would never have become the man he was.

    Favorite part? Toss up between Javert leaping (or did he fall?) into the river Seine, the often overlooked but imho the extremely fascinating description of the sewers of Paris (towards the end of the book), Jean Valjean's death, when Marius first sees Cosette (albeit a bit maudlin and cheesy, but it's a French novel, what do you expect?)
  10. I don't mind, qimi . My depression is kept at bay by my fascination for poetry, math, physics, chemistry, metal, jazz, hip hop, my benevolent mother, the many interesting posts of The Literature Network Forums, and people like you! I like having simple conversations about profound works that have shaped the course of history and have inspired people for generations. This place is my haven for relaxation where I can sequester myself from the stress of tedious and frankly pointless college work. English, Philosophy and the analytical sciences promote creativity, whereas many of the life sciences saturate the reader in facts that have very little to do with permitting self-expression. A lot of great literature, in my opinion, presents a subtle paradox: the hideous emotional toll the author endured to express his/her thoughts, and the impeccable beauty of the final product.
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