Conversation Between Niamh and Schokokeks

41 Visitor Messages

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  1. hey! how are you doing?
  2. And what a nice picture you have here!
    You're such a cutie!!!!
  3. well look who decided to pop by!
    good to see you Cookie!
  4. Funky camera! I had a traveller. Infact i still do. I use it for dictation nowadays. Got me a good camera back in september before i went to Australia.
  5. My cam's make is "Traveler" (how approriate ), here's a picture: I think I look 5 years younger carrying it around .
  6. Yes. Next time you come over we have to get a picky of the two of us! Shame we didnt the last time.
    WHat make is your camera?
  7. Glad to hear the weather's more friendly up there!
    Oooh, I bought myself my first camera ever yesterday! It was on sale, and it's blue with girly glitter on it, so I couldn't resist . I wish I had it with me when I was in Dublin, I would have loved to have a shot of the two of us , and the Abbey, and Trinity College, and Christ Church Cathedral.. but now at least I'm well equipped for my return .
    There's talk around here of a huge real-life forum gettogether, how great is that!! Though I probably won't be able to make it unless I marry rich some time soon...
  8. We are having a beautiful day here. Its mild and the sky is clear and blue. Makes a difference from the icy cold rain sleet and snow!
  9. Hi there, I hope you're fine ?
    Winter and snow and slush and frost is slowly driving me crazy, I think I might be a winter-depressive ... Not even excessive reading is helping these days...
    I hope things are better on your front!
  10. hello hello! Hey the snow came from your direction and happened to swirl around Ireland!
    Actually its gotten a lot warmer now! Thank god!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 41
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