Conversation Between Virgil and Pensive

54 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yes, besides our locals international community surely deserves recognition for its contributions too of course.

    Not very well in school, unfortunately. But I am changing subjects now, hoping to study something I am interested in (and I have got some potentional in) rather than studying for the sake of a good career (wordly-vise). It's still to be decided though if I will have to let go of a year by beginning all over again or I will manage the new course of two years in eight months.

    Anyway, how have you been doing? How is the little one?
  2. That's good to hear Pensy. Now I hope the international community, my country included, and the charitable orgainzations are providing help. I hate to see people suffering. Keep well. Hope you're doing well in school.
  3. Thanks for dropping by, Virgil!
    The floods have caused a huge mess here due to which just about everybody in the country is affected - if not for himself then their fellow country-men (yeah on such occasions even the least nationalistic person can't help keeping a nationalistic spirit ). But fortunately enough they didn't directly affect the area me, my family and friends live in.
  4. Hey Pensy. Are the floods affecting you? You're in my thoughts.
  5. Pensy, you wrote in my blog:

    "Wonderful news, Virgil!
    So dear little Matthew is originally from Kazakhstan? I wonder what brought you and Pussnboots to the this wonderful decision of adopting! Congratulations to both of you! And the photos are just lovely. What a cutie!"

    If you look through my last 15-20 blogs you'll see the adventure my wife and I were on through the adoption. If you want to know why we're adopting, you can read this one:
  6. Oh I would never forget little Pensy with the ever flying wings.
  7. Thanks Virgil! And there I was thinking everybody would have forgotten me by now.
    Oh and it sure feels great to be back again!
  8. Hey nice to see you back Pensy.
  9. Well, I made a confession. I think you'll be interested. See my blog:
  10. Hiya! Hope you are well my friend. I'm not sure if you're familiar, but have a wonderful Valentine's Day.

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