Conversation Between Paulclem and qimissung

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hi, Paul. How are you these days?
  2. Would you consider voting in the "Don't know much about history" poetry contest? Many thanks!
  3. Hi Paul, would you consider voting?
  4. I'll have a look. Thanks for asking.
  5. Hi Qimi,

    I'll have a think. Thanks for asking.
  6. I loved your first line! My first thought was "What! How could that be!?" and then I read on.

    Yes, my avatar is from "Les Miserables," the musical. I read an abridged version of the book in high school and would like to read the unabridged version sometime, maybe soon. I have discovered that the picture I chose, one of Cosette, Jean Valjean's adopted daughter, is actually from an illustration of the original publication of the novel.

    Which I found interesting, at any rate. Seeing them day in and day out, they do exert a powerful influence, eh? I will probably never be able to see even a passing reference to the old black and white version of Frankenstein without thinking of you!

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