Conversation Between dramasnot6 and Virgil

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Frankly Drama I'm coming to the conclusion that this recession is way over done. I don't see anyone that has had to really tighten anything. Unless one has lost one's job there aren't any real changes to one's lifestyle. Anyway, have fun.
  2. Thanks! Haha, I can't really help myself...I love keeping as busy as possible.
    Yeah, it's been tough everywhere. I read a great article in the NYC today in which people who lived through the Great Depression gave hints about how to tighten one's budget, really inspiring stuff.
  3. Oh drama you get involved in too much. Aren't you a freshman? Already orgainzing things? You probably are over extending yourself. Well, I'm sure you did a great job. like everything you do. And I saw that post where you will be stricty speaking chinese for the summer. That should be interesting. Best of luck.

    As to NYC, I don't work in the financial sector and I actually work in New Jersey, so I may not hear as much of the talk as goes on. But I have cousins who work for some of those big name banks you may have heard on the news and when we met for an occaision last week that was the bulk of the conversation. I don't know if we've been hit harder than the rest. But it's slow for much of the country, if not the world. Hopefully by then end of the year things will turn for the better. Let's hope so.
  4. School is bittersweet,as always. This week has been exhausting because we are celebrating Women's History Month and I have been playing a large role in organizing the events. From here until exams I should be able to find some me-time,though.
    How is life in the Big Apple? I was just speaking to a friend who is from NY about how,just sitting in a cafe listening to the people around you, you get a a good sense of the impact of the economic crisis.
  5. Hey, how's school going drama? I saw that you were exhausted in the how are you feeling thread. I hope you have a little time to just relax and catch your breath.
  6. Aw thanks,Virgil! Such a classic.
    I want to bring Boxing Day to America for the sake of having another day to party here in the States,too.
    Have a wonderful 2009!
  7. Happy New Year Drama. I leave you with a present: Now I'm not sure I like the back beat they put to it, but the video is fabulous.
  8. We don't have Boxing Day in the US. Fifthelement has been telling me about it. Sounds like something we should take up too. I guess you have there in Austrailia.
  9. Thanks,Virgil! Happy Boxing Day!
  10. Merry Christmas Drama.
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