Conversation Between Virgil and papayahed

74 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh if the guys around my office found a tube of butt paste it would be the joke of the office for months. I would never take the!
  2. hahaha, that's a hoot. Remember - it's not just for children either! One year during our annual shutdown (at work) a manager had a bit of heat rash and was walking funny most of the day. Second shift showed up and this manager mentioned his problem and one of the guys pulled out a massive tube of Boudreax's Butt Paste. Sure enough that did the trick and now I keep a tube in my desk for such emergencies.
  3. Hey, you might get a good laugh out of this personal story on my blog:
  4. Thanks Virgie, Merry Christmas to you, PNB, and the little one.
  5. Merry Christmas Papaya. We haven't spoken in a while. I hope you have a special holiday.

    Here's a present and a card for you.

  6. If you're interested, an update on our adoption:
  7. Papaya, an update on the adoption:
  8. I guessed I figured it was that, but sounds funny to me.
  9. A substitute chiropractor is my chiropractors back up. hmmmmm, that does sound much better..
  10. What the heck is a "substitute chiropractor"?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 74
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