Conversation Between breathtest and bIGwIRE

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Today I was watching some Yale open lectures on Faulkner (a nice series if you've never seen them ) and in one part she was talking about the difference between mad men and idiots. She said mad men take a wrong idea and reason on it to its logical conclusion, while idiots aren't capable of the ideas or the reasoning. This has left me wondering if by real life friends are, in fact, truly mad men, or just passionate idiots. Lol. One could make a case for both. Haha

    I enjoy Henry Miller, too.
  2. Glad to make your acquaintance. See, the people I tend to fall in with are usually middle-of-the-road, well balanced people. I would love to know more mad and passionate people than I do. Perhaps the things I read are an attempt to capture something of the madness that can appear in the world. Henry Miller at the moment is a particular 'friend' of mine. Similar to Kerouac in some aspects.
  3. Your profile picture is one of my favorite quotes. My best friends are all mad and unbalanced individuals. Haha
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