Conversation Between kelby_lake and Joreads

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Kelby. We had a book club discussion on Monday night about Twilight. I have posted some of the thoughts from my group in the thread. It would be great to get your thougths on it.

  2. Hi Kelby

    I have sent a PM to Niamh to ask if we can start a new thread to discuss the baby and imprinting - we didn't want to break any rules. I meant to copy you in and forgot - it is Sunday morning here. Just in case you are interested we would love your comments.

  3. Hi kelby Lake.

    I just saw your comments on New Moon. I left a comment in the thread but just in case you didn't see it I thought I would pop by. I loved this series - but I can understand why people don't.

    Edward is actually my favorite character, Bella I agree with you on I could live with out her. I was wondering if you had read the other books in the series and what you thought?

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