Conversation Between chaneybean and papayahed

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. I lllloooovvvveeee your avatar!!!!!!!!!
  2. no.
  3. Yes, do you have a new one?
  4. ello. want to play a fourm game?
  5. Hi Chaney, What's goin' on? How's school? I'm on spring break which would be a whole lot better if we got spring break at work as well!

  6. hhhhhheeeeeeeeelllllllooooooo..........!!!!!!!!!!!
    (don't ask!!!)
  7. no wish i waz! u?
  8. Hey CB! I like your thinking cap. Are you on spring break yet?
  9. sup? u rox
  10. pretty good. you??
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 18
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