Conversation Between LadyLuck and qimissung

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. A very happy one to you as well I hope that you had a lovely holiday.
  2. Happy New Year, LadyLuck!
  3. Things are good, but it's been a crazy month or two. We had the end of school and what felt like a marathon of activities during the month of May. This was the first weekend I've had to relax in over a month. All in all, things are going well, not perfect, but fairly well. How about you?
  4. Hey! How are you? Are the kids out of school for the summer? Everything ok?
  5. Oof. Hang in there.
  6. Things are going. Not poorly, but life has been better too. Life is catching up with me at the moment, and I'm just dealing with the punches as they come
  7. Hey, Lady. Hope everything is going well in your corner of the world.
  8. A very merry Christmas, to you, too, LadyLuck!
  9. Merry Christmas Qimi!
  10. Very happy to be back around. Hope all is going well for you.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
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