Conversation Between ShoutGrace and grace86

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey you! Wondered if you were still alive out there in the real world. Hope you're doing well!
  2. You still around?
  3. Glad to hear you are well! Sorry to hear work is nuts for you, but hopefully you'll get some time to relax in the midst of all the craziness. Yes, Jesus is the reason for the season, and YES I have been busy...finishing finals, throwing Christmas parties, and getting ready for vacation!!
  4. Hello Grace . I'm doing quite well and I trust you are as well. Work has been absolutely insane! I can tell you about it later. I am looking forward to certain aspects of the holidays. Jesus is the reason for the season. Is your life crazy?
  5. Hi again! Thought I'd let you know I've been posting in my blog on my missions trip. Check out some of the recent blogs.
  6. Hi buddy! Haven't seen you around, thought I'd drop a line, er, um, a message Hope you are doing well and getting excited for the holidays.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6