Conversation Between Mariner and Heathcliff

6 Visitor Messages

  1. My brother is only going to be gone for three days, but I'm going to miss him. We are surprisingly close for a brother and sister of our ages.

    What's an infomercial?

    I haven't done anything along the lines of study. I should. I will.
    I don't have a choice. Maths is due, I must get some info. for science and I've got an Italian vocab. Test tomorrow.
  2. When my brother went to university I started missing him tons. It sucked, but we became alot closer strangly.

    Mine was good. Boring, actually. I went to school, studied a bunch, and worked. Now I'm watching infomercials. Yes!
  3. I'll be looking foward to it then. I haven't changed mine in a while, but I should.

    Today... Uh... My brother went to camp. I miss him already. And I'm two weeks ahead in IT and about two days behind in English. Funny how it sorts itself out.

  4. Thanks. Consider me a little artsy like that.
    The first is my mum's, second is mine, the third is my brother's.
    I'm pretty sure the real picture is in one of my albums. Hehe. Somewhere.
    Profiles are awesome. You should do your's up when you get a chance. Would look awesome.
  5. Hey! Look at this crazy background! Are these your mouths?
  6. Hi my pichable associate.
    Must be off.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6