Conversation Between firefangled and symphony

7 Visitor Messages

  1. I did get your comment in my blog, and I recognized your first name (or nickname?). Thanks for the comment fire, it's great to see you posting here again. I've missed your wonderfully musical poems.
  2. Thank you for your well wishes, Symphony. Thanks for sharing Sampson with me. You sing beautifully and it was a wonderful addition to my day.

    I posted a response on your blog as firefangled, but it listed me as Anonymous. I signed my name too.
  3. Felt like sharing this song with you fire. I hope you are well recovered (or at least on the ascending side of the recovery process) from the surgery.
  4. Never too late to wish i hope!
    Happy new year.
    Had a busy start myself this year, how's yours going so far?
  5. Never stop singing Symphony! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and I wish you happiness and good fortune for the new year!
  6. I wish you a merry christmas I wish you a merry christmas I wish you a merry christmas I wish you a merry christmas I wish you a merry...

    help! someone stop me singing!!
  7. I just love that avatar and the profile pic. Love it.
    Hope you're doing well, fire. I'll see you around.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7