Conversation Between Remarkable and Virgil

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. You're welcome. If read this blog, you'll catch up on the big thing in my life. Hope all is well with you.
  2. Hey there! Sorry, but I haven't been around almost at all lately. Thanks for the very kind posts.

    Hope you're doing really great!

  3. Hiya! Hope you are well my friend. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day.

  4. Just wanted to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas, or whatever holiday you may celebrate.

  5. Check out my latest blog. You might find it amusing.
  6. Hey! Thanks for the message!

    I haven't been around a lot, I've had exams and I'm trying to make these vacations really active: tennis, volounteer work, Russian and certainly books. How are you? I quite liked your blog post the other time.

    See you around!
  7. Hi there. I hadn't seen you around lately. Nice to see you in the baby names thread.
  8. Funny story in my blog. Think you might get a kick out of it.
  9. I'm very tired. Work has been exhausting. I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight for a change. So sorry you won't be coming to the US. Probably due to this terrible economy. Perhaps next year will be better. I do hope you get accepted to a US Uni.
  10. Hi!Well,thanks for caring.

    I've actually been kind of busy these days,school,meetings,tennis...I'm also trying to read a lot,go figure!

    You know,I won't be coming to the States this summer...A shortage of funds on the side of your government or something similar.Well,I guess I'll have to be patient until I get accepted in an American Uni.If I get accepted...

    How have you been doing?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17
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