Conversation Between Weisinheimer and sprinks

8 Visitor Messages

  1. haha, thanks. Calvin and Hobbes are the best. And that quote is pretty apt for the way my life is with school.
  2. I just had to come by and say I love your signature!!
  3. Everything is going pretty good... although everything is so busy lately!! And thanks I needed a profile make-over
  4. Hey Sprinks. How's it going? I love the new colors.
  5. Yeah I changed a few colours . It was a lot more yellow before
  6. Hi sprinks! did you change the colors here? I don't remember your page being this blindingly bright
  7. You're profile is blindingly bright. Very very happy looking.
  8. I like the brown and blue combination!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8