Conversation Between TheInsomniac and librarius_qui

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. hey, long time don' see ...~
  2. happy new year, mate! Happy 2009.~
  3. Although your "avatar"'s the worse I've ever seen!, I've invited you to make part of my friends' list ... You've been a good one.

    Merry Christmas, In(to)somnum fellow!

  4. oh ... girls! do you suffer of that ... illness? (sorry girls, I'm still bitter because of the last one ... nothing against you in general)
  5. Hello libri, i did vanish Why? Because i was finding myself, discovering what i was capable of. And in my time of self discovery i came across a girl >.>
    This girl and story are probably best explained in the story Martyrdom in my blog. Although it seems to be happening again.... these recurrances are kicking in some unwanted nostalgia and i would really like it to stop >_<
  6. Where are ye mate? You vanished! ...

  7. I'm back! (See you've been doing your job ) haha!

    See you on the counter!

  8. Hey, Insomniac ... I'll be away. Take care of young Lady W, while I'm away, right?

    See you next week, when I have internet again!


  9. It seems i wrote upo a uqick response in my current status, will havbe more details when im sober!
  10. Your answer is at the LitNet Dorf Counter Group, mr. Insomniac!


Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
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