Conversation Between AimusSage and a_little_wisp

41 Visitor Messages

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  1. Miss you, crazy guy. Did we all disappear? It's the saddest thing.
  2. I was vast asleep but now I wake up and read that you were sleepy and probably now asleep. good morning to you for when you wake up
  3. Aims, I'm sleepy.
  4. They (things) pass the day with great joy! most of the time anyway If not, I give them a boot up the proverbial backside.
  5. I'm always in the ignis fatuus. I'm alive! Always! I pass through, just quietly. How are things for you, great King?
  6. Still alive? Or have you passed on to the realm of the fairy tales and ignis fatuus ?
  7. Published? I'll have to finish something first before I'll even think about that.

    I dunno about big, but the wedding I was at was pretty much a crazy event with penguins, purple dresses, Martians and worse... I think I might just wink and blow a kiss right back at you; get published already
  8. A wedding is a pretty big thing xD! But pish posh, flummery, and balderdash - I shall rebelliously blow you kisses, for your writing deserves them. When are you going to be published?
  9. Flummery??! Yes!

    It's too bad I'm already married, well.... I did have a wedding once.
  10. Oh, Aims, I missed you!

    As for balderdash - oh yes, I certainly do! It's right up there with flummery!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 41
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