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  1. Restoring Civility

    by , 04-06-2019 at 07:19 PM (Memories of the 28th Century)
    During most of my life so far I lived in rather safe areas, places where the general populace was well-behaved, and there was a local police force that was adequate. Unfortunately, the place where I presently live is becoming progressively less safe. Eight years ago, I moved back to Amherst; unfortunately, Amherst has gone from being a pleasant and friendly place to a place where people are in fear of violent crime, and with good reason, a significant part of the town’s population has become unreliable, ...

    Updated 04-06-2019 at 07:23 PM by PeterL

  2. Shakespeare's Measure of Civility

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Price View Post

    If gentleness is the quality of civility, acceptance of choice in the judge and allowance of choice in the judged is Shakespeare’s ultimate measure of civility.-W.G. Zeeveld, The Temper of Shakespeare’s Thought, Yale UP, London, 1974, p.257.

    Listen to the silence of this garden
    in the early morning where the sun
    touches everything with its tint of gold.
    Birds fly high into the blue sky and their
    notes of song dance over this