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Make global Peace, Avoid Nuclear Third World War: Peace Letters to Some World Leaders

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Peace be on you. Asking to take the initiative to strenghthen the thinning international peace and avoiding possible Third World War, the 5 th Holy Khalifah (of promised Messiah Mahdi) wrote letters to some world leaders. In the following, some quotes are being typed from letters written to British Queen and Prime Minister, German Chancellor, Saudi King, Iranian Leader, French President and Chinese Premier. [Reference: The full texts of letters can be read at reviewofreligionsDOTorg ]

From letter to British Queen

“ In the last century, two World Wars were fought in which millions of lives were lost. If today grievances between nations continue to increase, it will ultimately lead to the outbreak of another World War. The likely use of nuclear weapons in a World War will mean that the world will witness untold and horrifying destruction. May God prevent such a catastrophe from occurring and may all people of the world adopt wisdom and sense.”

“ … the followers of any relgion, and even those who do not belive in God, should always respect the sentiments of the people of any other faith.”

“ His purpose [i.e. of The Promised Messiah Mahdi] for forming this Community was to establish a relationship between man and God and to incline people towards fulfilling the rights of one another so that they can live in mutual respect, and in goodwill.”

“ Our message is one of love, reconciliation and brotherhood and our motto is ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’. Indeed, this embodies the beautiful teachings of Islam in a nutshell.”

“ May the attributes of justice and freedom continue to remain the guiding principles of the British Monarchy.”


From letter to British Prime Minister

“ Today, the world stands in dire need of peace because the sparks of war can be seen all around the world. Conflicts between countries on a small-scale are threating to erupt into a global conflict.”

“ We observe that the situation of the world today is similar to the situation in 1932, both economically and politically.”

“ If these sparks ever truly ignite, we will witness the terrifying scenario of a Third World War.”

“The weapons avaible today are so destructive that they could lead to generation after generation of children being born with severe gentic or physical defects.”

“ Therefore, it is the duty of the superpowers to sit down together to find a solution to save humanity from the brink of disaster.”

“ What causes great fear is the knowledge that the nuclear weapons in smaller countries could end up in the hands of trigger-happy people who either do not have the ability, or who choose not to think about the consequesnces of their actions.”

“ If the major powers do not act with justice, do not eliminate the frustrations of smaller nations and do not adopt great and wise policies, then the situation will spiral out of all control and the destruction that will follow is beyond our comprehension and imagination.”

“….Britain is also one of those countries that can and does exert influence in the developed world as well as in developing countries.”

“ Thus, Britain and other major powers should play their role towards establishing world peace.”


From letter to German Chancellor

“ Today, when the world is becoming divided into blocs, extremism is escalating and the financial, political and economic situation is worsening, there is an urgent need to extinguish all kinds of hatred and to lay the foundation for peace. This can only be achieved by respecting all of the sentiments of each and every person.”

“ We observe that the requirements of justice are not being fulfilled by most nations, and as a result, the foundation for another World War has already been laid.”

“ Peace in society is a two-way process and can only be established if all parties work together towards mutual reconciliation.”

“ Utilise all your energy, resources and influence to save the world from the horrifc destruction that looms before us.”

“ We must remember that nuclear weapons are not posseseed by only the major powers of the world; rather relatively smaller countries now possess nuclear weapons…..”

“ …there should be no doubt in our minds that a nuclear conflict will cause devastation that will lead to generations after generation being born with feects, and who will never forgive their elders……..”


From letter to Saudi King

“We should do our level best to educate the world regarding the true teachings of Islam, which are based on love and peace. By doing so, we can dispel the misconception in general that are embedded in the people of the West and the world about Islam. Enmity against other nations or groups should not hinder us from acting in a just manner.”

“…as an extremely important leader in the Muslim Ummah you should make every effort to resolve these disputes [religious and geo-political] with justice and equality.”

“No Muslim country or any Muslim individual anywhere in the world, today or in the future, will want to shoulder the blame for being the spark for global catastrophe…”

“…Expand all your energy and influence to save the world from annihilation.”


From letter to Supreme leader of Iran

“ …an effort should be made to leave aside religious differences and to try and unite upon common values. It is this very approach that we find was adopted in the history of Islam.”

“ It is our ardent desire to guide the world towards living in mutual love and peace. To this end, I constantly draw the attention of people from all walks of life. Hence, I recently wrote to the Prime Minister of Isreal, the President of the United States of America and also other world leaders. I have also written to Pope Benedict XVI in this regard.”

“…I hope that you will come to agree that if the entire Muslim Ummah unites and works together, world peace can be established.”

“…if the haste and recklessness of any nation leads to a full blown war between two nations, such a conflict will not be limited to only those countries; rather the flames of war will engulf the entire world.”

“ the name of Allah and His Messenger and out of compassion and love for humanity, I request you to play your role in establishing peace in the world.”


From the letter to French President

“ After the First World war, the League of Nations was established, however, the requirements of justice were not fulfilled and consequently, this led to the Second World war, culminating in the use of atomic bombs. Subsequently the United Nations was established for the protection of human rights and to maintain global peace. Thus the means for avoiding wars were considered, yet today we observe the foundation for a Third World war has been already been laid.”

“ It is said that in Japan, the one country to have experienced the devastating destruction of atomic warfare, even though seven decades have passed, the effects of the atom bombs are still continuing to be manifest on newborn children.”

“ As a Muslim, I shall make it absolutely clear that Islam does not permit cruelty or oppression in any way, shape or form. The Holy Quran has deemed the killing of one innocent person without reason akin to killing all mankind.”

“ The Quran further states that even if any country or people hold enmity towars you that must not stop you from acting in a fully just and fair manner when dealing with them.”

“ …Islam clearly states that love for one’s country is part of faith. The Ahamdiyya Muslim Community acts and promotes this message throughout the world.”

“…strive to your utmost to prevent the major and minor powers from erupting into a Third World War.”

“It is my prayer that the leaders of the world act with wisdom and do not allow mutual enmities between nations and people on a small-scale to erupt into a global conflict.”


From letter to Chinese Premier

“ …the Messiah and Reformer, who was destined to appear in this age as the Mahdi for the guidance of Muslims, as the Messiah for the guidance of Christians and as the guide for the reformation of all mankind, has arrived in accordance with the prophecies of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and thus we have accepted him……….After his demise, the institution of Khilafat was established. Currently we are in the era of the 5 th Khilafat, and I am the 5 th Khalifa of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him).”

“ An extremely important and fundamental aspect of our teaching is that in this era religious wars should come to an end. Further, we believe that anyone who desires to convey or spread any teaching should only do so in a spirit and atmosphere of love, compassion and brotherhood so that he can become the source of establishing peace, reconciliation and harmony.”

“…the world is currently passing through a most harrowing and perilous period. Indeed, it would appear that we are rapidly drawing closer to a world war. You are the leader of great superpower. In addition, an enormous proportion of the world’s population lives under your governance. You also possess the right to use the power to veto when required in the United Nations. Hence, in this context, it is my request to you to play your role to save the world from the destruction that looms before us. Irrespective of nationality, religion, caste, or creed, we should strive to our utmost to save humanity.”

“Although you do not believe in the existence of God and your principles are based on morality, I would like to make it clear that our God, Who is the God as portrayed by Islam, revealed the Quran as guidance for all mankind, and the Quran inculcates all such morals that you act upon, but it is also filled with even further moral guidance. It contains beautiful teachings expounding the means of sustenance for humanity and establishing human values. If the world – the Muslim world in particular – adopt these Quranic teachings, all problems and conflicts will be resolved and an atmosphere of peace and harmony will be fostered.”

“Today, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community endeavours to further this very purpose and objective in every part of the world. Through our peace symposium and through numerous meetings athat I hold with various categories of people and groups from all walks of life, I remind the world of this vital goal. It is my prayer that the leaders of the world act with wisdom and do not allow mutual enmities between nations and people on a small-scale to erupt into a global conflict.”

Reference: Full texts at “ reviewofreligionsDOTorg/7152/letters-to-world-leaders-part-2/ ”

Updated 01-18-2013 at 08:53 AM by YALASH
