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  1. Description of Ron Price's Blog at this Literature Network Forum



    1. Everything I do with other people online is part of my particular type of social networking. My social networking is associated with three basic activities: (a) the creation of a personal webpage that serves as a home base, a central hub, for my writing, for teaching and consolidation, for service and social activism, as well as for feedback from others---should they wish; (b) the creation of a detailed ...

    Updated 04-11-2013 at 08:58 AM by Ron Price (to fine-tune some editing)

  2. I just typed "New Yeast" instead of "New Year" that bread baking app is getting to me

    For those who may not know, I am the elusive litnet member who randomly appears once a year, and then goes back into the mists...

    The topic of today, is New Year resolutions. I do not have one. I don't really want one either. It's been a few years since I've even considered it for a few key reasons:
    1. I don't find a new year to be substantial motivation for doing something. I find that, positive changes or promises I make to myself are more likely to succeed if I have a more ...
  3. Legitimising identities

    We live in societies which are so different from each other. When we travel from one place to another there is the necessity to change our perspectives and loyalties to suit the situation in which we find ourselves. We cannot remain the same at all times. The result is that we begin to assume several identities to make ourselves feel comfortable and to fulfill our material and emotional needs.

    Should we then be denounced as wearers of masks and as hypocrits untrue to the culture ...
  4. Hola!

    by , 04-18-2012 at 12:31 AM (No Limits on Imagination!)
    Hey Guys.

    How's everyone been? I was just realizing lately that I haven't been very active on LitNet. Not saying that LitNet's not fun or anything like that. It's just that I've been so busy with working on my art and my writing works that I haven't really been on any other sites.

    I'm mostly on websites such as FictionPress and Wattpad these days. My username is Kyeire there. Mostly, I've been writing like crazy. Maybe one day I'll get the courage to post one of my ...
  5. Cheerfulness

    Whatever the weather , remain cheerful. Why bother about tomorrow and be unhappy when today there is life and love. Even if death comes, let him come as a lover you have known for years in your heart but not seen and whom you are yearning to meet .

    Cheerfulness comes when you know that you are free from all bondages, even from the bondage of trying to live effectively. Freedom from the necessity to conform or rebel or to do or not to do-- brings in the cheer.

    Smile ...