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  1. The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

    It's been a long time since I last read Stoic philosophy. I think the last work of this type that I read was the brief Handbook of Epictetus as an undergraduate. I didn't like it much. Mostly because my girlfriend at the time (who was a major repair-job) loved it. She was using the emotional detachment ideas to get over this jerk she dated before me. Nice. As a result, I thought that stoicism was just a mask that emotionally weak people wore to hide the honest and hard-earned scars on their souls. ...
  2. I Think of the Small Things. . . .

    We just finished final presentations in my classes. I teach -- community college, English & Philosophy (picked up Masters Degree #2 in Philosophy a couple years ago; this enables me to teach the love of wisdom to American CC students). I think of Sara's presentation of whether American Literature matters: it was expertly organized and focused on emotional intelligence. Sure, she picked up on a thread that I was communicatin' to them: that one of literature's practical uses is to train us emotionally. ...

    Updated 01-03-2016 at 10:47 PM by The Comedian

  3. what I'm reading

    "Bats of the Republic" by Z.T. Dodson (a gift).
  4. 1.1.2016

    Pristine and beautiful,
    the song sings sweetly on.
    A million loves wrapped in one,
    Here she sings for all days.
    'All are welcome,'
    The branches quietly wave.
    Effortless and free,
    Whole heart,
    Every part,

    and. . . Peace.
    Can we have Peace,
    Until we have Peace?
    Yes. First we have Peace,
    and then we have Peace.

    99.9 %
    Use words
    as blunt force ...
  5. On Causation

    by , 12-28-2015 at 10:51 AM (Memories of the 28th Century)
    Sometimes I get the impression that most people don’t understand causation, as in every event is caused by something(s) that came before; things don’t just happen without anything causing them. Something causes something else to happen, and that cause was caused by something else entirely. For example, when one drops a piece of lead from one’s hand, it falls; the effect is falling, and there are at least two causes that team up to produce the effect: dropping the piece of metal and gravity, and ...