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Barmy Blue's Bland Blog

Well, doesn't the title Barmy Blue's Bland Blog give you a clue as to the content?

  1. Family

    by , 12-30-2006 at 10:24 PM (Barmy Blue's Bland Blog)
    We went to see the family today.
    Mum was rushing around trying to find the gift cards she bought my second cousins Jack and Louis. She did last minute wrapping while I ate my breakfast (a turkey sandwich and two mince puffs).
    On the stairs I could hear a faint sound that sounded like one of those musical cards that sing happy birthday. Mum and I tried to locate it but failed.
    After we were all ready (Which was at about 5ish) we went to my Uncle Robert's. We go there before
  2. A look at beauty?

    by , 12-29-2006 at 09:17 PM (Barmy Blue's Bland Blog)
    Today I slept in quite late, ignoring the fact that dad came to update my internet security (Because I spent too long on the computer before going to bed and I couldn't sleep).
    I have a feeling that Tom may have attempted what he set out to do. I think this because it is possible and because I think I may sometimes have some kind of psychic (Or something or other) abilities (Though most of the time it could be put down to pure coincidence, an acute knowledge of, what is commonly called, "Sod's
  3. Eventful?

    by , 12-28-2006 at 08:58 PM (Barmy Blue's Bland Blog)
    Was today eventful?
    Have I done anything interesting?

    Ah, the days of boring blog entries are upon me.

    As I sit here, sipping a glass of Coca-Cola Zero (From a 2 liter bottle mum bought along with another of diet lemonade to drink over the Christmas dinner; as I don't drink alcohol and dad was driving to his other home; where ever that is), Sitting on my foot (As is my custom when sitting at the computer, otherwise my body is at a difficult

    Updated 06-14-2011 at 09:38 PM by Bluebiird

    Odd Dreams
  4. Up up and away

    by , 12-27-2006 at 08:54 PM (Barmy Blue's Bland Blog)
    Well, Tom set off today. I'm not sure if he's there yet or not, probably not. I haven't really thought about it all day and now I'm writing it, I feel depressed. I said I wouldn't let it bother me and I won't. It's not like I have some sort of claim on Tom.
    Now I think I’ll tell you some of our history, then you can decide for yourselves if I'm selfish and jealous or not .
    Tom and I have been friends for a long time (Since I started having packed lunches in year eight at school;

    Updated 09-10-2008 at 11:44 AM by Bluebiird

  5. Bland day

    by , 12-26-2006 at 08:04 PM (Barmy Blue's Bland Blog)
    Today I did nothing at all except for eat, sleep, play games and watch TV. I enjoyed my first turkey sandwich of the year, with a bit of salt and pickled onions and we cracked open the chocolate log with cream.
    What I love about Christmas holidays is that you can lose all sense of time. If it weren't for the fact that my watch tells me the day and date I wouldn't have a clue what day it was .

    Well, not chocolate update today I'm afraid, though mum and I have started on