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  1. Continued

    by , 09-15-2022 at 09:33 PM (Barmy Blue's Bland Blog)
    This follows from part 1

    They're sealed up the roof. Re set/replaced tiles. There was a broken one in the picture. and replaced the front guttering. And our roof tile disappeared. (there's been a spare roof tile in the front garden since I was young. Originally it was used to prop up an extension to the down pipe but it doesn't really work for that so we just left it next to the pipe) It went missing. I'm a little sad about it because it's always been there but I had thought of letting ...
  2. When It Rains It Pours. Literally

    by , 09-15-2022 at 09:28 PM (Barmy Blue's Bland Blog)
    I've had things to note since last time but I wanted to sit in silence for a while. And then the big thing happened and it seemed inappropriate but maybe better to write now than later.
    I don't want to talk about my dog yet except for one thing. It was still Summer and it hadn't rained for quite some time. When...the deed was done it rained. heavily but not for too long. It either started just as it was done but I'm pretty sure it was a little after while we were spending some time with.......the ...
  3. The Time Has Come

    by , 08-11-2022 at 09:53 PM (Barmy Blue's Bland Blog)
    On Saturday we went swimming. Yuki REALLY needed to go. She's been a bit trippy and stumbly. It was either supposed to be just a dash cooler or at least more tolerable than this weekend. It was HOT and SUNNY. We got her to hydrotherapy well enough. She was reluctant to go through the gate but I think that's because she was sniffing. Swim Lady had a girl doing work experience today. We didn't talk much. The life jacket went on. Swim lady went up first as normal to get in the pool. Yuki was stubborn ...
  4. Well Hello Again

    by , 08-02-2022 at 11:22 PM (Barmy Blue's Bland Blog)
    Are these titles a bit too odd for the subject matter?
    This is the continuation of my list of things I wanted to tell you but never wrote about at the time. But at least it hasn't been a year. That would probably be 3-5 posts

    How am I doing? (don't worry this ties into the estate agents) Annoyed. indifferent. And I still get sad but it only goes as far slightly watery eyes but I'm not sad enough to properly cry. It just takes too much effort and I have to hold onto and keep ...

    Updated 08-03-2022 at 12:05 AM by Bluebiird

  5. Hey You Long Time No See

    by , 08-02-2022 at 11:18 PM (Barmy Blue's Bland Blog)
    Predictably this is all too long so it'll be in two parts. I need to post more often it seems so this doesn't happen. Which is worse to read I wonder. Regular ramblings that will probably be more detailed and rambly or a long one cut into chunks so less detail but more overall information with multiple postings?

    Hi. It seems that the last time I posted was when Yuki came back from her tooth surgery. So it's been a while. I cut my nails today so I can type at least. Feels kind of odd ...

    Updated 08-02-2022 at 11:40 PM by Bluebiird

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