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Soulful Insights

  1. Be Strong! Be Woman!

    I was looking up music videos on YouTube when this ad played before one of the songs, and normally I just skip the ads, but as I was waiting for the skip ad countdown, I actually got intrigued by the ad and continued to watching it. It was quite interesting and sends a powerful message I think.

    It started out by asking young women (in their 20s) a guy, and a boy about maybe 12 or so to do things like a girl. Throw like a girl, run like a girl, fight like a girl etc.. and they would
    Soulful Insights
  2. It Is What It Is

    Some of you who may recall the goings on that have been occurring between a certain friend of mine whom I had lost touch with but had recently reconnected with, just as a brief recap, he said that his e-mail account had been hacked into and he did not know he was being prevented from receiving e-mail, thus he thought that I was the one avoiding him and I thought he was avoiding me because he was not responding to any of my e-mails, but I recalled an alternative e-mail address of his and contacted ...
    Soulful Insights
  3. My Dysfunctional Relationships ~ Update Status

    I know that some of you have been following the issue I have been having with a certain friend of mind, and were curious as to be updated on how things turn out.

    For those who missed the original discussion but are curious to know what I am talking about now you can read the details here:

    So here is the latest on where things currently stand, which is not much different from where they stood before.
    Soulful Insights
  4. My Dysfuntional Relationships

    I have this near and dear friend, who is a long distance, online friend, we met via the Internet and that is how all our correspondence takes place, he lives in another state, but we are intimately close (in a non-romantic way just to clarify) He is my platonic soul mate. We have a very deep spiritual connection where we are always on the same wavelength and he always gets just where I am coming from and we have many shared experiences. I can write to him about something that happened to me, and ...
    Soulful Insights
  5. A Fallen Hero

    I have just discovered that one of my literary icons has died today. As many of you may know from some of my past writings, J.D. Salinger ranked among my favorite authors and always held a very special place within my thoughts and literary pursuits. Like many of you I first read "Catcher in the Rye" in high school, and I was gripped instantly by the story. I fell in love with Holden as he pulled me long through the trails and experiences of his life. I felt a personal kinship with him, ...
    Soulful Insights
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