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Edmond Dantes
08-09-2002, 01:00 AM
I thought the it's the numbers of characters made this book world famous, because remember every character somehow connects with Edmond Dantes, I didn't think the number of characters was a problem when I was reading it, maybe you need learn a little french to pronounce those names!

12-19-2002, 02:00 AM
Well, if you're a writer, you should know that this book is a translation and thus is a far less interesting read than it is in the original language. And the names do not sound alike. Well, maybe they do for you English folks... :)<br><br>The complexity of the book is also in no way a burden since it is coherent from point A to Z, as opposed to the vast majority of today's complex books. I think readers today are alot more lazy than before, and so current authors tend to follow their example and create very poor too simple stories.<br><br>Just my two Canadian cents.

07-27-2003, 01:00 AM
I have to agree with Mat. (one "T"? that's weird.) You're an author? What do you write. The stuff on the shampoo bottle? You are an imbecile. The complexity of this book made it the greatest book ever written. Let us see if you can write a better shampoo bottle. Tell me what you have read.

07-28-2003, 01:00 AM
I think that it is ironic that you are an author, and you had trouble with this book. I know little kids who had no problem with this book. You don't kneed to know any French to read this book. As long as you don't have to pronounce those French names out loud, which is really a pain, this book is easy to follow.

Ronald McGraw
09-11-2003, 01:00 AM
If you think this one is complex, try Russian literature like Fyodor Dostoevsky. And, Russian names are much harder to distinguish than French ones. Perhaps you just need to read more. Just a thought.

06-03-2004, 01:00 AM
Authors compose novels. You were obviously indoctrinated in one of our government schools and don't have the attention span of a flea. Complexity requires thought which you seem to have none of. Writer -- or more appropriately hack -- would be a better job title for you.

01-21-2005, 04:52 PM
I think the complexity of this book was inevitable considering the exquisiteness of the plot. Also, in order to have a plot of the magnitude of The Count of Monte Cristo, a large number of characters is a must in order to weave such a mind-boggling revenge! For me the characters only added intrigue and not confusion. It was such an extraordinary book, there's just no way to detract from it's greatness, and I think that maybe you should get out more.

03-18-2005, 12:58 PM
Even though I don't speak french (so yes, some of those names sound a little alike to me) I had no problem at all following the characters and plot. I thought the intricate story line is what made it interesting and kept me glued to the pages. I don't think the story should have been any different. Anyone who has read many books can see that the book is a work of genious. Sadly the books of our time rarely live up to the standards that were set by people such as Dumas.

03-20-2005, 08:19 PM
I agree with you whole heartedly so don't pay any attention to these other people.There were entirely too many names that were hard to pronounce which made me lose my interest and I do have to read a lot of difficult books because I am an AP student. The only part that I don't agree with is that it was excellent.

04-15-2005, 11:42 AM
<br>I agree with the fact that you lose track of who is who. I've had trouble keeping track of who is the son of whom, and i had to pause and retrack occasionally before i moved on. Of course i'm sure that you realize it was so long in order to explain where all of those confusing characters came from :) I'm glad that you said the overall book was excellent.

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
i thought that this book was too long, which is quit ironic comming from an author like myself. Dumas introduced too many characters which can confuse the reader which tends to lose the readers interest. Also, when you introduce too many characters with names that sound alike and then bring in their family like their sons or daughters, you forget who is who and the role that each character played. but overll the book was excellent.