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05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
Read all of the information you can find in print and on the internet about Mind Control and Surveillance technology and how it is being used in America in 2004 and the world and the genius of George Orwell's analysis of the possibility of the form totalitarianism will take becomes apparant. The older words such as subjugation, despotism, oligarchy and many others formally used to make more clear historical analysis and political structures are now gone from our vocabularies. "Double speak" has become common place, ie "trickle down" = trickle up.<br>Perhaps George Orwell was warning us that we should fight and fight hard to maintain our Bill of 'Rights and national as well as international written law if we are not going to be thrown into the technological hell that is described so prophetically and clearly in 1984.<br>Will we be capable of seeing it and acting on it before it is to late?<br>Will it be democracy and freedom or technological totalitarianism enforced through the implementation Mind Control and Surveillance technology?<br>Could this historical extreme evolve into the worst nightmare of our history and existence.<br>Will we let it happen? We were directed to be vigilent. America, a contstitutional government based on the rule of law, was an experiment. Will we let it fail? <br>