View Full Version : privacy at risk

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
The book 1984 presents an terrifying story, and makes people think about the effect of the government and the media on how we live and shows that in many way’s the predictions of Orwell were not just fictional and in some cases have occurred but not with technology but with the “flat-earth” teaching which means that children will accept anything that they are told as the truth. For example did you know that in America and in many countries around the world everything we do on computers, telephone calls and even when we go to the shops our actions are being recorded. The scary thing is that is if hackers get into these files, or anyone for that matter, someone’s privacy could be at risk. On the surface, it's a great idea for protecting the country from terrorism after 9/11. In reality, it gives the government the power to acquire and use information on any citizen at any time and for any reason without anyone's knowledge or consent. .It makes teens think about the way’s in which they take democracy for granted and think how worse it must be for others, especially in North Korea where Totalitarism continues to be enforced.