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05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
I read this book in this summer & i found that every revelution ,not just russia revelution,has the same ending ,at the same time show disappointing view of every revelution .<br>when i read it for the first time , i really shoked , caz i can compare every characters with its similar in Iran reghime .Do u beleive that after i read this book i really surprised how iran goverment allow publish this book .<br>Orwell should be very clever that he could explain all of revolutions ending in one nice & loveable book .<br>I think Animal Farm is more that one book or even one allegory.I think every one who wanna know about history or speficely about communism should read it not one time but repeated every now & then , so not to forget about Animal Farm's destiny , especially the ones who control power .