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Luke Hall
05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
I believe that this book was written by an exceptional author. However, his veiws on Communism vs. Socailism are extremely contradicting. Orwell states that while he is strongly against the platform of communism, he belives equally strongly that socailism is his desired form of government. He fails to realize that socailism is simply a mild form of communism, and to go further still, liberalism, is a mild form of socailism. They all share the same basic traits: (1) More money should be given to the government to provide things like socialist medicine, healthcare, and welfare<br>(2) All people are equal, and should be treated as so. This is demonstrated through issues such as Title 9, and Affirmitive Action that are even nowcirculating our Supreme Court. The third, and perhaps most devastating blow to America through Liberal and Socialist thinking, is (3) the abolishment of the acknowledgement of a God that once held the reigns of our country. The ACLU (American Civil Liberites Union) which is dominated almost entirely by liberal minded lawyers, have taken prayer from our schools, "under God" from our pledge of alegence, and are even now lobbying Congress and the Supreme court to remove "In God we trust" from our currency. So you see, the Liberal and socialist platform suggests the very same giudelines (though not as extreme), as the Marxist Manifesto that upholds the communist government. Besides these obvious contradictions, Socialism and communism fail to work! Every country under this power has had, or has a failing economy, and many have collapsed completely. So, although an exceptional author, i believe that Orwell should reconsider his veiw on politics.