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Old Magor22
05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
As the smartest pig on the farm I thought my advise about Animal farm was a good one but I found out it turned out to be a disaster. I cant believe how the farm turned out. My dream didn’t consist of any of that. I never thought that all the power Snowball and Napoleon got would get to Napoleons head. Animals were all supposed to live happily working for themselfs not for humans. If they had fallowed the seven commandments it would have worked out better. I thought the animals understood that the point of the revolt was to not be ruled by humans but I guess Napoleon had other plans with that. At least it was an example for other farms to see what goes wrong and what to do about it. Napoleon took advantage of the other animals memories and brains. I wish Animal farm turned out alright to prove to everyone else that animals can succeed on a farm by themselfs.