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05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
Since I was 12 years old, I fell in love with Wuthering Heights. Then, when I had to study it in my career (English Philology), I couldn't believe it! It was my destiny! Now that I am making my posgraduate or doctorate courses, In one of them I have to make an essay interpreting why the ghost of Cathy appears to Lockwood and not to Heathcliff. Well, I only wanted to share my feelings for this great masterpiece with all of you. For me, it is one of the most wonderful work of the English literatue, and every time you read it again, you find new things to think about. Now, I know that I will amke my doctorate thesis about Wuthering Heights.<br>I have read it twice a year since I was only a child, and it trapped me with all the emotions and feeelings it tramsmits.<br>It is great the way Emily Bronte could write such a masterpiece.<br>I love this book and I wiill dedicate my life to it.