View Full Version : Treasure Island

05-04-2003, 10:40 AM
Can anyone tell me what happens in the end...oh..and does Jim Hawkins die??

05-06-2003, 05:06 AM
SPOILER - DO NOT READ PAST HERE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW HOW IT ENDED! I will not be held accountable if I ruin it for you.

Jim Hawkins survives, the good guys (i.e. Jim, Dr. Livesey, Trelawney and co.) escape the island with Long John Silver, who while sailing home disappears when stopping at South America to spend the rest of his life quietly there. The rest return to England, missing a few who they set out with, and think what an amazing adventure it all was, and how silly they were to be so scared at the time.

Timothy B
06-10-2003, 07:55 PM
Does Treasure Island have any dates in it? I mean, are any of the events give a date on which they occur?

For example, Gulliver lands in Xamosci.on May 27, 1709 and
Quentin compson commits suicide in William Faulkner’s the Sound and the Fury on june 6.

If any of the evetns in Treasure Island have dates, either mm/dd or mm/dd/yyyy i would be VERY interested in hearing about htem.



Black Flag
07-12-2003, 04:37 PM
R.L.S. doesn't ever give out the year beyond letting the reader know it happened in the 1700's. I can't remember if months or days are mentioned.

Why do you wish to know?