View Full Version : boring??? No!

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
You have to remember that Hardy wrote before TV when long evenings were filled by reading. He gives vivid descriptions of people and events so that the reader can visualise them clearly. Some events are described to give 'character references' (like Bathsheba viewing herself in the mirror when alone and her ride when she lost her hat); examples which give away traits which are important to the story. Modern life does not afford us the time to appreciate Hardy's skill - everything has to happen wizz! pow! This is a beautifully crafted story which in it's way covers all the mistakes that love can make - Troy loses Fanny because of pride, Boldwood is misled by a joke, Bathsheba falls for good looks and charm alone... only Oak is ever loyal and cares for his love in whatever way he is allowed to until *finally* she sees the light! Aaaaahh - lovely!