View Full Version : Red Badge of Courage

03-17-2005, 06:53 PM
I think you should see the movie, it is pretty good. I am doing a project on the historical content of the movie (and book) so you should watch the movie!!!!

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
The Red Badge of Courage had some nice parts, but when forced to read as was the person who wrote before me, it become hard to read. I am now required to write a research paper on Mr. Crane and his style... he is supposedly a Naturalist and a Realist. What struck me is that he had not fought in any wars at the time that he wrote the novel. I was also surprised when reading the book how Mr. Flemming walked away from the dieing soldier, and left him in a field. If you have any resources i could use to write this research paper, please tell me what they are. This site has been a great help to me, so if you have found it... you are lucky<br><br>Lordofthejellies