View Full Version : WIW - half way through

03-24-2015, 07:00 PM
I am half way through the book and it has finally warmed up a bit. So much so, I read more than one chapter and it did not feel like homework. I was eager to find what happened next.

This secret that Anne Catherick has on Sir Percival, it had better be good. Collins has been keeping me in suspense about it for the last five chapters.

I am very concerned about one of the narrators. I had a feeling she was unwise writing so much down. This is exactly why when I kept a diary I wrote in code.

Jackson Richardson
08-12-2015, 03:18 PM
Hi, kev.

I'm half way thought - Count Fosco is visiting the ghastly Mr Fairlie.

I'll wait until I've finished before posting further - I don't want any spoilers. I've found it a page turner so far. The characters and scenes are fascinating irrespective to finding out the mysteries.

And yes, Mr Fairlie is a nasty old queen. If I was po faced I'd say a nasty negative gay stereotype. But Marion is such a wonderful character and manages to fulfill a lot of lesbian stereotypes that it balances out as far as I'm concerned.

08-12-2015, 06:38 PM
I had not marked down Marion as a lesbian, but that might explain some things (like why she does not resent Mr Hartright for falling in love with her prettier but dippier sister).

09-03-2015, 11:17 AM
Hello JonathanB and kev67!

Jonathan I hope you're enjoying this book. I read it a few years ago and I liked it very much. :)