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03-02-2003, 02:00 AM
It is also noticable the fact that we also see an echo of Leonte’s jealousy, ‘What! look upon my brother’, which shows a possibility of the ‘disease’ to resurface and that it has not completely disappeared.

07-27-2003, 01:00 AM
although the line 'look upon . . .' may be read as an injunction, telling hermione that she may do so without rainsing the spectre of his jealousy<br>

The Daily Telegiraffe
05-24-2005, 06:03 PM
The idea that "all depart in happiness" does not ring true; Shakespeare instead seems to be saying that despite our terrible mistakes, which are human, we can grow, move on, and deal with the losses life entails, whether those loses are of our ouwn making, or in the random nature of living. The joy is balanced by deep sorrows, and the cost of our actions never forgotten. <p><br><br>The idea that this resolution is not without cost is realized in a dramatic and moving way in the fall production by the California Shakespeare Festival in 2002, wherein the lasting image is a ghostly Mamillius, in white, seeking in vain to join the famliy reunited--but left only to run into the arms of Time, who claims him, and embraces him.