View Full Version : Something about Frankenstein that boggles my mind

11-23-2014, 06:30 PM
Hello all, I just read the novel for the second time (it has been awhile since I last read it) and came across a realization that I can't think of an excuse or explanation for, and upon asking friends about it, no one is able to give me an answer either. In the book, Victor starts working on a female creature and decides to stop, and so the creature threatens to be there on his wedding night. My question is how does he know to predict something like that? Marrying Elizabeth isn't even something mentioned until AFTER Victor is accused of murder and imprisoned. Had the monster truly been following/stalking Victor, he would have known that Victor was constantly ill from probably both sleep deprivation and lack of self-care to even have a woman in his life, and he's devoted so much of his life to his studies, I doubt that love was something on his mind at all. All letters between Victor and Elizabeth have been cousin/sibling-like, so no romantic link could've been deduced, and all Victor cared about was his work, and freaking out about the monster. So how would the monster have known to make such a threat BEFORE a wedding is ever mentioned?

11-23-2014, 08:30 PM
Maybe it was intended as an open-ended threat, not unreasonably assuming he'd be getting married to someone at some point, rather than a specific one.

11-07-2015, 07:34 PM
When I read a graphic novel version, my objection to to Victor Frankenstein's abandonment of the lady monster project was that he was worried they would progenate a race of superhuman monsters, who in time would threaten humanity. So why not just tie up her fallopian tubes? Scientifically, this is not the best book out there.

02-06-2016, 01:11 PM
Good question Flipsy. As Calidore stated, maybe it was just an open-ended threat. We can always assume that Frankenstein had a picture, clipping of Elizabeth's hair or even something eluded to in a note either from Elizabeth or his father that spoke of marriage. Either way, the monster wanted to make sure that Frankenstein would be just as miserable and alone as he was. Kev67, tying the Fallopian tubes is a good way to prevent procreation. I had thought of that too, but I also think Frankenstein was worried that the female monster would not agree to the promise the monster and he had made to leave humanity and go off somewhere and live a quiet life. Frankenstein was afraid he would then have two monsters out killing people instead of one.