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Frédéric Moreau
06-27-2014, 05:26 PM

I am a voracious reader from Spain. Despite the fact that one of the greatest pieces of literature ever put forth, El Quijote, was written by a Spaniard, I am not very fond of my country's literature -even considering the Spanish a marvellous language-. I thus think that ever since the period we name 'Siglo de oro' Spain has not produced an amount of masterpieces comparable to that of, for instance, UK, USA, Russia or France. Obviously, I do not include within Spanish literature the South American boom.

Apart from that, I have a wide range of literary preferences though I do not read poetry at all, except some superb authors like Juan del Enzina or Jorge Manrique. I dare not name all of them since I find impossible to summarise them, though I hope they will gently be showed through the participation in this Forum.

About me I also have not very much to say: I am a lonely nineteen-year-old lad who enjoy reading, writing (awfully) and listening to country and French music. Finally, I would like to beg your excuses for my terrible English--it is not my first language and Ibam learning it.
