View Full Version : A richness that makes of Hamlet a precious work

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
Yes, thinking about Hamlet, there would so many thing to say. Someone can love it for the aesthetic, the beauty of certain expression, the pictoresque dialogues, the metaphores, the music and the rythm of its poetry, for the deepness of its brain-massaging philosophycal and psychological issues; for the wisdom which springs from sentences that often give us good advise aboout love, life, human relations, etc.; for the variety of concepts, for recalling often times a so artistically rich and powerful book like Ovid's Metamorphoses; for the most valuable messages borrowed from the Gospel, even hidden or disguised along the lines; what else? yes Shakespeare's works never laks a witty humour, word puns and bawdy quibbles. One of my favourite fragment is Rosencraus and Guidernstern's last attept to find out the cause of Hamlet's 'distemper', as to accomplish their duty commissioned by the queen, Hamlet's mother. The unbearable way they keep on insisting on him, makes Hamlet erupt in a metaphorical reproach, depicting himself as a music instrument. Actiii, sc2, v.363-402.<br>And also, Oh! yes, it's amazing the way Hamlet praises his best friend, Orazio, in act iii, sc 2, vs. 60-80s <br>And phrases like "Give it Understanding but no Tongue", as we would say, 'note it but say nothing about it to anyone'. Or "Keep in the rear of your affection", as to say...'control your feelings'. It is also peculiar in Shakespeare, to use many time the same word, alond the play, but every time with a slightly different meaning or sense, as if he wanted to prove how relative is the meaning of a word. Hamlet drives me mad. I would go on, but I would exagerate. The first play I read was Rom & Jul.. Ooh! I loved Juliet's phrasing. No, i won't carry on. Thank you, thank you. I am Italian, anyway, that would justify some sintax error, and others. Thanx again.