View Full Version : Tragic Hero

paul frank
03-17-2005, 06:52 PM
i wrote my whole report according to your comment thing-----thanks

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
I am only in 9th grade but I have just completed reading The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. I personally believe that Brutus was the true tragic hero in this play. Act I would be the exposition and Brutus would come off as loyal and having much pride. In Act II you learn that Brutus is joining the conspiracy and it is the rising action in the play. The climax comes in Act III, it is the point where things start to go wrong for our tragic hero. After Antony makes his speech to the commoners, the mob breaks loose showing how Brutus is loosing control of things. In Act IV it is the falling action. Cassius and Brutus have left Rome and are getting ready to battle Antony and Octavius. It starts to bring the play towards the end. In Act V it is the denouement or resolution. Brutus kills himself, which is the fall from power a tragic hero takes.