View Full Version : i just love it

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
Some complaining that there is flaw in the play. However, i dont think so, for <br><br>me this is a complete flawless play. For instance, most of them are blaming <br><br>Friar and even everyone fault exist in this play. Well, if these people is not <br><br>making such "mistakes", would it still be what we call by Romeo and Juliet. I <br><br>understand what William Shakespeare is trying to show us that how bountiful <br><br>love between Romeo and Juliet and because of this bountiful love between <br><br>them this play wouldnt be hitherto achieved the organisation so much human <br><br>passion for this play. In addition, master William is trying to render the subtle <br><br>and more outstanding type of love. <br><br>Actually, this is my first time reading the play in the age of 21 and i read <br><br>sonnet 18 during my literature class in the age of 18 as I m from a chinese <br><br>school so i haven't touched even one of the play written by master William <br><br>Shakespeare. I used to read chinese poems from China.