View Full Version : Does anybody else feel the same way?

04-28-2013, 05:44 AM
Hi all,

I'm currently just beginning my journey through the Notes from the Underground, and it's already starting to connect with me in ways I hadn't expected. I just wanted to share an excerpt which made me think of something that has bothered me for quite a while:

"With people who know how to revenge themselves and to stand up for themselves in general, how is it done? Why, when they are possessed, let us suppose, by the feeling of revenge, then for the time there is nothing else but that feeling left in their whole being. Such a gentleman simply dashes straight for his object like an infuriated bull with its horns down, and nothing but a wall will stop him."

This hit home for me because it is something I have always struggled with. I envy those with single-minded determination. Those who, when they are wronged, will stop at nothing in their quest for justice because it is the only thing they can think about.

This is nearly impossible for those that are even a little more...introspective? Reflective? Thoughtful? I'm not too sure of the word. While to be able to be reflective at all is not a bad quality, I long to be able to feel as passionately as these people, to be able to actually act.

I'm sorry, this has turned more into long-winded rambling than anything, but did this excerpt strike up anything in you?

04-28-2013, 06:58 AM
I have read this book a long time ago and I like the notes of the writer and of course we kind of find in a piece of literature something resembling of our life. That is why the objective, one of the many,is to make us ourselves undergo similar experiencing and if we have certain repressive motifs that get purged at the end of the day.

04-28-2013, 03:33 PM
I have read this book a long time ago and I like the notes of the writer and of course we kind of find in a piece of literature something resembling of our life. That is why the objective, one of the many,is to make us ourselves undergo similar experiencing and if we have certain repressive motifs that get purged at the end of the day.

I absolutely agree. It's one of life's greatest joys, to be able to connect with a great piece of writing.